zondag 24 april 2016


Last week someone told me about this punk rock anthem:


It made me smile that's why I decided to ask the artist if he would like to do an interview. So here it is !

For the foreign guests. This blog is normally in Dutch. But keep in touch, there will be more articles in English in the future. Stay patriot !

1. Please Introduce your band to the world.

Gays Can't Fly is not just a band. It is the umbrella I intend to use to display my cultural products under. This song "Bomb the Boats" is a cover of a Forgotten Rebels song about the Vietnamese boat people. I updated it for the migrant crisis. The original song was satire, while i am serious, and I am ready to be called all the names (bigot, racist, Islamophobe etc.) associated with supporting this. These names no longer scare me, I have decided to man up.

2 Can we consider the band name, gays can't fly, as a protest nod against moslem treatment of gays,many gays their love for moslems, or both ? Or something else ?

"Gays Can't Fly" is just a shocking way to express my political viewpoint. My first product, the song "Bomb the Boats" covers topics such as Sharia Law, FGM, killing of Infidels, mistreatment of women etc. "Gays Can't Fly" seemed to be a good way to sum it up with the shock value I want.

3 Is GCF a band or a project?

Gays Can't Fly is a project to consume the rest of my life. Performing this song live might get someone killed (my point in opposing Islam) so I am sticking to the internet for now. My next projects are 1 - "Obama: International Capital in Blackface" and 2 - "RacistCorp" about a company specializing in genocide consulting. After that it is what I think up. I have a job so I don't need to be a success financially. If I make any money it will go to producing the next work.

4 Which are the (punk) bands you like yourself?

I loved the Forgotten Rebels who wrote the original. Also the Dead Milkmen, Ramones, New York City Dolls.

5 The beautifull anthem "bomb the boats" will be a real world hit soon, what's the message of the song? Or is it good old fun ?

The message of this song is no joke. It is extreme but it is meant to prepare people for the hard words and hard actions that it will take to De-Islamize the West. I hope it is a hit. I might pay to promote it.

6 Are you in it for the message (like most of this left wing crust cunts), the music or the free drinks and easy groupies?

There was an account on Twitter that mashed up Disney cartoons with white nationalist themes. @UnCuckTheRight has since been suspended. I followed him and heard an interview he did where he encouraged people to turn their feelings into cultural products.

After Charlie Hebdo, Garland Texas, Paris, San Bernandino, and Cologne something in me snapped. I am an engineer and have never tried to express myself culturally before. I came up with three ideas, of which this is the first. A few calls to friends and "Bomb the Boats" was recorded in a home studio. I could not stand silent anymore and there is no one in Canada to vote for. My mother is Dutch and was 16 when the Nazis invaded. I was raised on tales of slave labor, cruelty, and deprivation. But through it all they resisted. I think the Nazis are back, but in the form of a religion, and it is time to resist again.

Somehow today we are so afraid of the social shame that comes with being pro-nationalist or pro-white. Any point of view or policy that does not lead to the end of white civilization is forbidden by the State.

When the Nazis were the State my mother was slave labor in a garment factory. She and the other girls would intentionally stick their hand in the machine so the injury allowed them time off work. I decided no matter what the State throws at me i must resist by any means necessary. I didn't do it for the groupies. I have a teenage daughter and I do it so she will still now freedom when she is old.

7 If you would be president for a day what would you change?

I would invite Donald Trump to the Oval Office and hand him the keys.

8. What would you like to tell visitors to this blog?

To find their voice. DO something more than vote and hashtag. Protest! Contribute!

9 Please explain why punk is not dead ?

Punk isn't dead as long as there is one person left who dares to truly offend the powers that be.

10. What question would you like to ask the people of the Netherlands?

My question: Why isn't Geert Wilders Prime Minister? His De-Islamize proposals are the future if we expect White civilization to survive.

11. where is Gays Can't Fly in 2018?

In 2018 I hope to have 8 projects done. I hope when you go to the channel you can see 30 minutes of hard-core, thought inducing, and entertaining video that explains my anti-Globalist viewpoint.

12. Anything more?

I would take every visit from the police, every Human Rights complaint, every Hate Speech charge as a badge of honor. I will only be happy when I have been so offensive i have been jailed for my views. I believe racism is survival now. Equality and Diversity were all lies told to steal our children's future. They are enforced like a religion now. Oppose them. Be a true rebel. Be racist. I might start a political party.

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